Dawn Of Skirmish V3.20 Ss Ai Mod Install

Once installed, run the newly placed shortcut on your desktop 'DOW Skirmish AI V3.1' or from StartMenu/Programs/'Dawn Of War Skirmish AI Mod'. You will know if the modification is running when on the top-left section of the Dawn Of War Main Menu it will display: Dawn Of Skirmish V3.1. How to install: 1. Install DLL Plugin Loader, make sure to read install instructions of that mod, it must be installed manually. Use mod manager to install this mod. Put the folder 'DLLPlugins' from downloaded archive into your Data directory. What it does: Fixes a problem in game code that causes low FPS with many ESP or ESM. Dawn Of Skirmish V3.20 Ss Ai Mod Installed This video is the first of two involving this mod. This mod for Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Soulstorm, provides an overhaul to all of the AI making them significantly more intelligent when it comes to resource spending and battle strategy, meaning they don't do the normal idiotic things that vanilla AI.

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发表于 2010-9-2 12:59:32|只看该作者|倒序浏览
Dawn Of Skirmish *SOUL STORM EXPANSION ONLY* v3.20 RELEASE and Acknowledgments (July 2009)
** For SoulStorm v1.20 (Soulstorm + v1.10 Patch + its Hotfix) **
Main Download Link (FAST!!)
Note: Dark Crusade version coming soon!
Meet the Cast:
Thudo (Thudmeizer)..>> Team Lead/Coder/Gfx/Bonafied Cheerleader
ArkhanTheBlack......>> Lead Coder/Scripter
LarkinVB............>> Lead Coder/Scripter/Beta Tester
Cultist.............>> Additional Heroes Special optimizations
Corsix..............>> Coding assistance
Dark40K.............>> Coding assistance
Zenoth..............>> Beta Tester
Inquisitor..........>> Beta Tester/Assistance with camera mod
Troubadour..........>> Beta Tester
Smokeskin...........>> Beta Tester
Dreddnott...........>> Beta Tester
ThetaOrion..........>> Beta Tester
Malkor..............>> Beta Tester
FinalDeath..........>> Beta Tester
QuietDeath..........>> Beta Tester
JBird...............>> Beta Tester
Slash...............>> Beta Tester
Prepare for a more enhanced Dawn Of War - Soul Storm skirmish experience!
This project started after the release of Dawn Of War with the intent to bring to the global DoW community a more intense and satisfying AI opponent on the field of war. We hope you will agree that has been achieved with the understanding more is to be done in the future. Our work continues to evolve and in the coming months will make current efforts pale in comparison. However, you have to start somewhere and hot damn what a jump start!
Its been a slice from start to, well, continuing! We're so looking forward to enhancing the AI even further in the coming months!
A Personal Thanks
At this time I would like to personally thank all the participating members of the team:
ArkhanTheBlack, LarkinVB, Excedrin, and Corsix, as well as our beta testers, Malkor, Zenoth, ThetaOrion, FinalDeath, Troubadour, Slash, JBird, QuietDeath, Smokeskin, Dreddnott and (all who keep our work 'in-perspective' and 'on-track' with our ultimate goals of achieving the most competitive DoW AI opponent we can create!).
Its through your dedication, patience, and technical expertise that allowed the work to commence and prosper. Without you fellers, there'd be a pittance of work compared to the greatness this project has become. We've come a long way and do sincerely hope to continue our expert correspondence into the future of the product.
CutterShane (Original idea and implementation of the Heroes mod)
Alex Gnome (Original idea and implementation of the Camera mod)
This is to acknowledge that we take no personal responsibility for any hardware damage or data corruption brought forth by the use or installation of this DoW modification. As used, this modification works 'as is' and has been thoroughly tested and should not cause any major problems. In the event, however, that something serious does occur, it is up to the user(s) of their computer(s) to make appropriate backups before any attempt is made to install the following DoW modification. Use at your own risk.
Whats In The Package?
o Main Installation Package containing the Enhanced DoW AI scripts (contains ONLY those .ai files that our team altered)
o Dawn Of Skirmish SS v3.2 dowai.txt (what your reading)
o Doc folder containing information how to add your own faction to the AI project.
Piece of Cake! Run the executable and it will extract to where your <installed Dawn Of War folder> is.
Once installed, run the newly placed shortcut on your desktop 'DOW Skirmish AI v3.2' or from StartMenu/Programs/'Dawn Of War Skirmish AI Mod'. You will know if the modification is running when on the top-left section of the Dawn Of War Main Menu it will display: Dawn Of Skirmish v3.2.
To uninstall this modification, go back to StartMenu/Programs/'DOW Skirmish AI Mod' and choose 'Remove Dawn Of Skirmish AI Mod' to remove the modification from Dawn Of War.
This version of the AI mod will only work with the Soul Storm Expansion.
What's new in Dawn of Skirmish SS AI 3.2?
o Map data base which allows improved pathing checks for enemy units (must be activated by choosing the game mod MapDB in the game menu!)
o Eldar fortress map crash should be fixed (Hopefully)
o Other fixes and improvements
Extended camera zoom modes
Optional installation feature which adds two files camera_high.lua and camera_low.lua to the Dowai_modData folder.
If you dislike them you can deselect them during installation or just delete them if you already installed them.
The default view is almost the same like vanilla therefore you shouldn't notice much difference until you start
to zoom in or out. Thanks to Alex Gnome for the original discovery of the camera settings.
AI Highspeed Setting
Option set in the game mode panel at the setup of a game.
People who experience heavy lag and sync problems in multiplayer should try this option.
Some AI calculations are simplified or skipped to increase performance.
But beware, the AI could be slightly weaker because of that.
Heroes Special Mod
Option set in the game mode panel at the setup of a game.
Activates the Heroes Special mod which is a rework of CutterShanes exceptional Heroes mod, that specializes
only on the unit experience system. Have a look at the Heroes Special readme file for further information.
There's also a Heroes Special modding document which describes the inclusion and modification of Heroes Special
for other mods.
Massive Battles Mod
Was also part of Cuttershanes original Heroes Mod. Increases the squad and support cap maximum by 50%.
Therefore all players can build squads and vehicles up to 30 squad and 30 support cap. (Except Orcs)
Fortress Mod
Use this if you prefer defensive games with stronger turrets, mines and fortified listening posts. The AI will
also build more turrets and mines as in normal games.
AI Donation System
Option set in the game mode panel at the setup of a game.
- All races donate requisition if they own more than 800
- All races demand requisition if they own less than 200
- All races donate power if they own more than 600 (Necrons: more than 1100)
- All races demand power if they own less than 200 (Necrons: less than 400)
AI Config Panel
There are several options you can change for each difficulty level to adjust the AI behaviour to you liking.
1.) Dancing
Dancing is the ability to run away with ranged units if they are attacked in melee.
There are three possible settings:
a) Off => Dancing is not used at all
b) Standard => The AI is restricted to only dance with one unit at a time
c) Godlike => The AI will dance with several units at a time if necessary
2.) Attack Delay
This forces the AI to wait with an attack until a specif time has passed.
You can adjust this time in two minute steps from 0 to 20 minutes.
3.) Tech Speed
With an increased teching speed, the AI will spend its resources more on teching than on building troops.
With a decreased teching speed, the AI will spend its resources more on building troops than on teching.
4.) Teching Handicap
A handicap will slow down the teching of an AI. It will also hoard more resources
instead of spending it immediately for units or buildings.
You can give allies an handicap or opponents. If you give allies a handicap, all
AI's allied with a human player are affected. If you give opponents a handicap, all
AI's not allied with a human player are affected. You can use this behavior for
example to weaken AI opponents if you don't feel good enough to face them at full
strength. Or you want the exact opposite, a real challenge, and weaken your own
allies, so you have to do more yourselves.
5.) Allow alternative strategies
All AI's have 4 different strategies:
- A solid all round strategy
- A special ranged strategy
- A special melee strategy
- A vehicle fast tech strategy
If alternative strategies are activated, the AIs will choose one of those strategies at the start by
random, though the chances of each strategy are influenced by opponent and map size. If deactivated,
the AI will always choose the solid allround strategy.
6.) Early Harassing
This allows commanders and combat troops to make an attack at an extremely early state to
avoid opposing scout capturing strategic points. If successful, this can severely cripple
the opponents resource income and decide the game at a very early state. On the other side,
harassing can also lead to a quick sacrifice of troops, which gives the opponent an advantage.
Harassing is only possible in the first 4 minutes.
7.) Dynamic Production Buildings
The AI normally builds more troop production buildings if it has excess resources. This allows
often an outproducing of the opponent who can't replace its losses fast enough.
Bear in mind that the AI might still build more troop production because of other reasons. IG for
example need to build them to increase their squad and support caps. In this case those buildings
are normally only built a bit later. This can also hurt the balance between the races since some
of them are affected more and others less of it.
8.) Build Relic units
If deactivated, the AI won't build any Relic units like the Baneblade from the Imperial Guard or the Chaos
9.) Build turrets
If deactivated, the AI won't build any turrets (except Orc Waagh Banners).
10.) Build mines
If deactivated, the AI won't build any mines.
Script Changes (from the original game to what we have today)
Available upon request.
Visit us at our home base
You can also drop by the official Relicforums here: http://forums.relicnews.com/
Cheers DoW Community and prepare for some serious ownage!

Soulstorm RPG mod for Official Campaign
For: Soulstorm 1.2
Version: 1.1
This mod adds Heroes (experience/level-up) and Auto-Abilities mods to the official Soulstorm single-player campaign missions.
This mod also includes extended camera zoom mod from DowAI projects and incorporates Dawn of Skirmish AI mod.
THIS MOD REQURES Dawn of Skirmish AI 3.0 or above! Please install Dawn of Skirmish mod before installing this mod.
You can download Dawn of Skirmish AI 3.1 mod at '>http://modsreloaded.com/index.php?id=746

Known issues:


- When you load saved games, unit rank indicator will reset to Regular (1), but the improved stats will remain.
- The following abilities will not be cast automatically: Basilisk's Earthshaker Round, Exorcist's Hunter-Killer Missile, Canoness' Ascension, Missionary's Divine Retribution and Emperor's Touch, and Dark Eldar's Soul Powers.
- Any commander attached to a squad will not level up. They will only level up when not attached to the squad. If you attach a commander to a squad, the commander will LOSE all the experience points she gained.
- Some units, such as Heavy Weapon Team, will change unit rank (level) when deployed.

Dawn Of Skirmish V3.20 Ss Ai Mod Installation


Dawn Of Skirmish V3.20 Ss Ai Mod Install Pc

First, install Dawn of Skirmish mod v3.0 or above.
Extract 'SSRPG11.zip' into your Soulstorm main folder and then choose 'Soulstorm RPG 1.1' in Game Mananger.
Start a new single player campaign and enjoy!
If you have installed previous versions of Soulstorm Tactics or Soulstorm RPG, simply overwrite.
Saved games from previous versions should be compatible as long as they are campaign saves, but however I cannot guarantee complete compatibility. If in doubt, restart the campaign.
If you wish to use mission save games after installing new version of soulstorm RPG mod, please either restart the current battle or complete the mission. The new features will be activated in next battle.
CHANGES TO 1.10 (13/05/2009):
1. Increased health bias for Auto Abilities mod; units will now cast abilities less frequently and will choose targets with higher hit points.
2. Removed Earthshaker ability from Auto Abilities list.
3. Added more units for single player campaign; previously, some units such as Vespid squad would not gain experience in single player campaign!
4. Restored original honour guard Confessor unit in campaign map.
CHANGES TO 1.00 (26/04/2009):
1. Ported mod to Soulstorm version 1.2.
1. Added DOWAI project
CHANGES TO 0.94 BETA (01/05/2008):
1. Removed Commissar's 'Execute' ability from auto-ability list due to bug where commissar would disappear afterwards.
2. Heavy weapon team will now gain experience when entrenched.
CHANGES TO 0.93 BETA (21/04/2008):
1. Fixed bug where Heroes mod would not work for space marine race.
2. Changed name to Soulstorm Tactics; the name RPG seems to bring much confusion!
CHANGES TO 0.92 BETA (15/04/2008):
1. Made a few changes to Heroes mod.
CHANGES TO 0.91 BETA (15/04/2008):
1. Made a few changes to Heroes mod.
CHANGES TO 0.9 BETA (14/04/2008):
1. Optimized auto-abilities for several races.
2. Addressed an issue where prisoners freed during Dark Eldar Stronghold mission would not gain experience.
3. Fixed bug where 'take and hold' missions won't allow for Heroes mod.
4. Overhauled and streamlined Heroes mod for better consistency.
CHANGES TO 0.7 BETA (19/03/2008):
1. Removed HK missile abilities from auto-ability list.
2. Optimized auto-abilities for Tau.
CHANGES TO 0.5 BETA (initial release):
1. Added Heroes features for Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle units.
2. Added and optimized auto-ability features for Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle.
3. Restored proper honour guard unit for Confessor (Sisters of Battle). Probably disabled for balance.
Alex Gnome for his extended camera modes;
etherdragn and Phelan76 for Heroes 2.4 mod and allowing me to use his Hero mod;
Cuttershane for his excellent Auto-ability mod;
Corsix et al. for their wonderful Mod Studio;
Canoness for her Fullscale Soulstorm mod.
Dante3214 for addressing issues regarding 'take and hold' mission.
Tarik_GK for pointing out that prisoners would not gain experience.
I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this mod :-)
You're more than welcome to modify the mod.... a credit to me would be nice ;-)
For any questions, my email address is leeho730@yahoo.com.